Friday 28 December 2012

The Story of an Umbrella

Kisah Sekaki Payung:

Khas buat seorang sahabat..Julaiha Azizan Si Budak Comot

      Aku suka sangat akan payung.Julaiha Azizan knows why i like an Umbrella. So now, I want to tell the story bout an Umbrella.
      Ada apa dengan Sekaki Payung?
      Pernah x memiliki payung? Tak kisah la jenis apa,saiz pa,warna apa dan juga berbentuk apa. Jika anda pernah memiliki sekaki payung, cuba igtkan kembali dimanakah payung anda itu?
haaa.....cer kome carik..ntah kemana peginyerrr..udoh lupa kan?
Bagi yang tak ingat tu, payung anda mesti sudah berganti dengan yang baru ataupun selama neyh hampa tak pernah ada payung pun dun waste your time to pretend that you have an umbrella pown kannn...haaha...taw dah slama neyh main redah ja ujan tue..dah3..xyah carik..Ekeke...

       So for you guys and gurls ,This is the story bout an umbrella....

kringgggggg,,,,,the alarm clock wake me up this morning.I wipe my eyes and look out through my window and saw it was raining outside. Then, i stood upon my bathroom.
" Mak, boleh dak adek xmaw mandi pi skolah?' "Hang gila ka apa,,pi mandy lekaih!!!!" mom yelled.

      It was 6.12 am and i was late to prepared to go to school. Then i reached an umbrella and waited  for my school bus. I walked along my umbrella and the umbrella protected me from getting wet because of the rain. Im not wet at all when i reached class not even like my other classmates.Everyone get wet because of they do not have an umbrella. Luckily,i've got one. Jyeahhh!!! I am the only one look neat that day.
     The time showed for recess time. It still raining outside. But i dun have to worried because i have got my umbrella. I had shared my umbrella with my best friend so both of us being attention to the public.This is because only both of us used an umbrella to go to the cantin not like others. When people start starring us,

"Apa tengok-tengok, awat ang jelez ka xdak payung?" i said with so cynical tone, 
"Buuu, nak pi kantin pown pkai payung"the kids said
 "Ala, nak share skit habaq mai la xyah nak banyak bunyi , Wekkk(jelir lidah)...."my best friend replied.
hahaha....we're both laughing.

     The rain is about to stop at last. After my teacher gave us with a lots of vocab exercise , the class ended with so grateful because no one get wet to back home. Everyone excited to back home for lunch time. Then,KRINGggggggggg!!!!!! Yea2..boleh balik...
Everyone waved hands to say goodbye for today and i waited my school bus in front of school gate.Then the school bus came to fetch us. Suddenly, i felt that i left sumting in classroom but i cant remember what i have been left just now. So, i let it be.

       After reached home, i ate my lunch and performed my prayer and ready to go to play with the others. I waited for my friend to come and invited me to play with them.At last,,,saya tetidooooo!!!
When i woke up from nap, i found its raining again outside. Then,,,,OMG!!!!! I left my umbrella in my classroom. I really2 forgot bout it.
       The next day, i came to school and rushed to the classroom then i found my umbrella was not there anymore..I thought it has been stolen by the others.I felt so badly because im not take a good care of the umbrella while the umbrella has do so much thing for me.The End.

Jauh disudut hati, pernah tak kita bayangkan jika kita sekaki payung? 
Berkhidmat dengan penuh setia, xkira masa hujan mahupun panas terik.Tetapi kita x pernah sama sekali dihargai oleh orang lain. Payung diletakkan di stor mahupun di luar rumah dekat satu sudut yang amat tersorok. Adakah aku menjadi beban pada orang lain kerana aku sekaki payung.Aku cuma melindungi mereka pada waktu mereka memerlukan tetapi bila aku sudah tidak diperlukan aku tercampak jauh ke satu ruang kosong yang gelap.Aku x minta satu tempat yang tinggi untuk dihargai.

Kalau aku sekaki payung....aku tidak pernah kisah sakit nyew ditimpa hujan kerana ingin melindungi yang lain,,,,jadi itulah saya.

Pengajaran; jangan tinggal payung merata2. Jue tahu perangai saya yang suka misplaced barang neyh dah x dapat nak bendung.Maaf payung,sya x jaga awak baik2.

NinaLuna~ Umbrella Sayang Kamoo...

juz for Julaiha Azizan.

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